- saccharic acid
- сахарная кислота
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
saccharic acid — n. a diacid, COOH(CHOH) 4COOH, obtained by the oxidation of glucose and other hexoses by nitric acid … English World dictionary
saccharic acid — noun a white dicarboxylic acid formed from oxidation of sugar or starch • Hypernyms: ↑carboxylic acid * * * noun 1. : a deliquescent solid dicarboxylic acid HOOC(CHOH)4COOH that is obtained by oxidation of glucose or its derivatives (as sucrose)… … Useful english dictionary
Saccharic acid — Chembox new ImageFile=Glucaric acid structure.svg ImageSize= IUPACName=(2S,3S,4S,5R) 2,3,4,5 tetrahydroxyhexanedioic acid OtherNames=Glucaric acid Section1= Chembox Identifiers CASNo= PubChem=33037 SMILES=C(C(C(C(=O)O)O)O)(C(C(=O)O)O)O Section2=… … Wikipedia
saccharic acid — gliukaro rūgštis statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Gliukozės oksidacijos produktas. formulė HOOC(CHOH)₄COOH atitikmenys: angl. glucaric acid; saccharic acid rus. глюкаровая кислота; сахарная кислота ryšiai: sinonimas – cukraus rūgštis … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
saccharic acid — Term used to denote the class of dicarboxy sugar acids. * * * sac·char·ic acid sə .kar ik n a dicarboxylic acid C6H10O8 derived from glucose or its derivatives by oxidation with nitric acid * * * sac·char·ic ac·id (sə karґik) 1. glucaric… … Medical dictionary
saccharic acid — Chem. a white, needlelike, crystalline, water soluble solid or syrup, C6H10O8, usually made by the oxidation of cane sugar, glucose, or starch by nitric acid. Also called glucaric acid. [1790 1800] * * * … Universalium
saccharic acid — noun The aldaric acid derived from glucose … Wiktionary
saccharic acid — white soluble compound made by the oxidation of sugar or starch with nitric acid … English contemporary dictionary
saccharic acid — /səˌkærɪk ˈæsəd/ (say suh.karik asuhd) noun a white crystalline dicarboxylic acid, COOH(CHOH)4COOH, made by the oxidisation of glucose …
saccharic — Melassic Me*las sic, a. [See {Molasses}.] (Chem.) Pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained from molasses or glucose, and probably identical with {saccharic} acid (also called {D glucaric} acid or {tetrahydroxyadipic} acid). See {Saccharic} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
saccharic — /seuh kar ik/, adj. Chem. 1. of or derived from saccharin or a saccharine substance. 2. of or derived from saccharic acid. [1790 1800; SACCHAR + IC] * * * … Universalium